How to earn on Chemix Auction

In Chemix Pad, users have the following ways to earn profit:

Participate in Dutch auctions

One of the main auction models of Chemix Pad is the Dutch auction for in-locking tokens. Since most of the assets in the Dutch auction have a lock-up period, the purchaser will bear a certain degree of price risk. Therefore, the value of the assets with the lock-up period is usually lower compared to the same tokens that are in circulation and listed on exchanges.

Professional investors will use derivatives as hedging tools while investing in discounted assets, thereby reducing investment risks and locking in investment returns. If hedging is used properly, veteran investors will obtain stable and risk-controllable investment returns.

In comparison with professional investors, retail investors generally lack the concepts and knowledge of risk hedging, and are more likely to be exposed to price risks caused by market fluctuations. For these users, Chemix Ecosystem will release introduction articles and videos to help more users establish their own risk control systems.

Obtain platform income dividends by staking gCEP tokens

CEP is the governance token of Chemix Eco, it does not have any function that generates income similar to deposits or stocks. During the operation of Chemix Pad, various business revenues such as auction fees and short-term lending platforms depositing income from auctions will be generated. For various considerations such as benefitting the community, part of Chemix Pad's revenue will be included in the platform dividend plan.

We will introduce the dividend token gCEP (golden Chemix Ecosystem Pass) for the dividend pledge. Users can use CEP to single-way mint gCEP according to certain rules and lock in the dividend smart contract to participate in the Chemix Pad platform dividend plan. Through the continuous operation of Chemix Pad, the protocol will continue to accumulate surplus, and users can also obtain long-term returns through gCEP tokens and benefit from the growth of the platform.

Last updated